Commentary of the Austrian Copyright Act, 1489 pages, MANZ 2008.
Editor: Guido KUCSKO
Contributors: Axel ANDERL, Alexandra BRAUNBÖCK, Manfred BÜCHELE, Alexander CIZEK, Robert DITTRICH, Helmut GAMERITH, Katharina GAMHARTER, Markus GADERER, Andrea GRUBINGER, Johann GUGGENBICHLER, Christian HANDIG, Christian HAUER, Wolfgang HÖLLER, Michael HORAK, Julia HORNSTEINER, Andreas HÜTTNER, Anneliese KODEK, Gottfried KORN, Stefan KORN, Gabriela KRASSNIGG-KULHAVY, Gabriele KUCSKO-STADLMAYER, Guido KUCSKO, Josef LUSSER, Georg S. MAYER, Max W. MOSING, Margit NEMETZ, Luitgard OFNER, Konstantin POCHMARSKI, Sascha Daniel SALOMONOWITZ, Judith SCHACHERREITER, Julia SCHACHTER, Thomas SCHNEIDER, Christian SCHUMACHER, Mar-tina SPREITZER-KROPIUNIK, Stefan STOCKINGER, Clemens THIELE, Peter THYRI, Bernhard TONNINGER, Manfred VOGEL, Thomas WALLENTIN, Andreas WIEBE.
Leo ZOGMAYER designed the Cover and 14 artworks for this book. Konrad Paul LIESSMANN contributed an essay to set the topic in a wider philosophical perspective.